
Our everyday thoughts are presented here Music, video presentations, photo-shootings and more
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  • Los Triscolores Contra-atacan, 7.5 x 22 m. Lookup Portsmouth 2024, artist portrait

    Look Up Portsmouth

    Los Triscolores Contra-atacan, was created by Cristina Reyes as part of the streer art festival Look Up Portsmouth 2024.

  • ‘Los Sin Nombre’, 2023, acrylic on concrete and brick wall, 6 x 17.4 m, front

    Los Sin Nombre

    Los Sin Nombre, by Cristina Reyes, was created in 2023 as part of the Unfinished Urban Art Museum, MIAU, in Fanzara.

  • Caballo Azul - Whitecross Street Party 2022 - Cristina Reyes, detail

    Caballo Azul

    Caballo Azúl is a mural created as part of Whitecross Street festival 2022, an outdoors group showcase in London.

  • Detail from Lugares hechos de silencio, mural in Tokyo commissioned by Design Festa Gallery

    Silencio, Tokyo

    Lugares hechos de silencio – or Places made out of silence – is a mural in Tokyo commissioned by Design Festa Gallery in Harajuku

  • YMCA Graffiti - Pause button painted on glass

    YMCA, Graffiti in a Gym

    YMCA graffiti was part of a projects called Micro-provocations. Commissioned by Architecture 00 and Central YMCA.