
Our everyday thoughts are presented here Music, video presentations, photo-shootings and more
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  • McDonalds Happy Meal illustration - strong arms poster

    McDonald’s Billboards

    Billboards and poster illustrations for McDonalds Happy Meal campaign in Germany. Commissioned by the advertising agency Scholz & Friends.

  • Detail of AI Workshop illustration in retail for the Design Council

    AI Design Council

    Illustrations based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) workshop run by the Design Council in January 2020 in London

  • Amsterdam AMC Hospital - artwork for 38 m long mural on the miracle of life - right leg

    Amsterdam AMC Hospital

    The Amsterdam AMC Hospital commissioned two murals on glass for their staff area. One is 38 m long and the second one is 26 m of length.

  • Headspace meditation brain doing weights

    Headspace Visuals

    Headspace visuals: 11 instructional illustrations; their logo; 4 animations & 68 hand-drawn slides for their events.

  • Headspace Free your Mind, meditation illustrations for the Guardian

    Headspace for The Guardian

    Meditation illustrations for Headspace and the Guardian, for a booklet on how to meditate included in their weekend supplement.

  • Graphic Cowboy illustration for Virgin Media - bronze prize Best of British illustration

    Best of British Illustration Award

    Graphic Cowboy, commissioned by Virgin Media, Bronze prize in the New Media category of the Best of British Illustration 2009. 

  • YMCA Graffiti - Pause button painted on glass

    YMCA, Graffiti in a Gym

    YMCA graffiti was part of a projects called Micro-provocations. Commissioned by Architecture 00 and Central YMCA.

  • Mural for the Advertising agency McCann Healthcare - Creativity

    McCann Healthcare

    Mural for the Advertising agency McCann Healthcare. Printed on vinyl on a 6 m wall space in their offices in Sydney.

  • First of the series Worlds illustrations

    Q-Med World

    Illustrations for promotional campaigns for Q-Med, combined with photography by Peter Beavis. Commissioned by TBWA

  • Eating Stories, 12 x 6 m art installation, Shunt Vaults, London

    Eating Stories

    Eating Stories, a 12 x 6 m installation by Cristina Reyes. Created as part of the exhibition ‘Industry’ in Shunt Vaults.